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Nat Barfield

Dana Barfield
Vicki Watts
Delaine Jechow


Tributes to Clark Watts



Did I Tell You About My Brother? Joyce Harvey

My Awesome Uncle Jeremy Clark Barfield

Our Opportunity Salli Ehlers Smith






Author: Joyce Harvey


Did I tell you about my brother

God loaned us one crisp November day?

Oh, he was like no other,

God had sent a Prince our way.


We girls were so excited that he was about to arrive

We were starched and ironed, crisp and clean

As we stood at the end of the drive.

As they pulled in, "Oh how my daddy did beam!"


He was precious, so sweet, and so small.

It seemed as though he knew us all.

I leaned over to kiss his little hands and feet,

I never knew anything could be so sweet.


Did I tell you about my brother?

He went from sweet to "bratty"!

He was mean to me like no other,

Our goal was to drive each other "batty".


His nickname in Lueders was "Smiley",

Because he never wore a frown.

You see God gave him a gift

Of turning peoples lives around.


Did I tell you about my brother?

When he left for Austin we all shuttered.

It was a good move it seems,

Because he met the girl of his dreams.

His Vicki is like no other.


God loaned him four Princes,

Grant, Tyler, Logan and Blake.

God knew what a great daddy he would make,

And after all the "Watts" name was at stake.


Did I tell you about my brother?

How we love him so dear in our hearts!

Oh, he has courage like no other

This new challenge he has embarked.


I thank God for this gift He has loaned us,

For this gift has touched all of our hearts.

This gift God so graciously shared

Is the gift that we call "Clark".








Author: Jeremy Barfield


I sometimes wonder where my life would be if my Awesome Uncle hadn't rescued me.


I was a longhaired wild one on a dead end street,

when he handed me an orange wheel to help me make ends meet.

I traveled this great country and saw amazing sights.

And any time the road got rough --- he always made it right.


Then I found myself a newlywed with a baby on the way.

Things weren't to stable in San Angelo as a printer on minimum wage.

But there he was once again like a lighthouse in the fog.

"Learn to work this computer" he said and you've got yourself a job.


So I came to Georgetown, settled down and had a beautiful son.

I made a good living, met some good people and had a lot of fun.

I learn so much there every day and continue to expand my mind.

Yet none of this would have been possible without my Uncle's love so kind.


He taught me more than splices and taps and measuring span to span.

He's taught me honor and integrity and how to be a man.

He's taught me how important family is and to put my trust in God.

He's taught me coming to work each day is more than just a job.


He never failed to amaze me by the successes he achieved.

He made me proud.  He made me laugh, but most of all he makes me believe.

I always remember his smiling face ever since I was a boy.

And all the generous things he's done and his continuous spread of joy.


My Awesome Uncle means more to me than any words can say.

And he will always live in my heart to guide me along the way.

He's been such a huge part of my life and to all my family.

And I vow to always be there for any of his in need.


I love you Clark; You Truly are an amazing man.  God Bless You.







By: Salli Ehlers Smith

Dedicated to Clark Watts on November 15, 2003, his 49th birthday.

Words flow from my heart
Urged on by insurmountable love
Which flows freely from my being
We lose the ideal of innocence during our lives
Things happen
We experience the pain of reality
And we learn to cope, to survive

But we each have the opportunity to have hope
To live with an uplifted spirit
To be loved, supported and understood
To believe... 

"For we know that in all things God works for the good of those
who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

God loves us
Turn to Him
Receive His mercy and salvation granted by His grace
Which are His gifts unto us all
And the innocence of life will reappear
Your heart will be comforted
And your soul will find peace

Romans 8:28





© 2004, The Clark Watts Foundation