Author: Joyce Harvey
Did I tell
you about my brother
God loaned us
one crisp November day?
Oh, he was
like no other,
God had sent
a Prince our way.
We girls were
so excited that he was about to
We were
starched and ironed, crisp and
As we stood
at the end of the drive.
As they
pulled in, "Oh how my daddy did
He was
precious, so sweet, and so
It seemed as
though he knew us all.
I leaned over
to kiss his little hands and
I never knew
anything could be so sweet.
Did I tell
you about my brother?
He went from
sweet to "bratty"!
He was mean
to me like no other,
Our goal was
to drive each other "batty".
His nickname
in Lueders was "Smiley",
Because he
never wore a frown.
You see God
gave him a gift
Of turning
peoples lives around.
Did I tell
you about my brother?
When he left
for Austin we all shuttered.
It was a good
move it seems,
Because he
met the girl of his dreams.
His Vicki is
like no other.
God loaned
him four Princes,
Grant, Tyler,
Logan and Blake.
God knew what
a great daddy he would make,
And after all
the "Watts" name was at stake.
Did I tell
you about my brother?
How we love
him so dear in our hearts!
Oh, he has
courage like no other
This new
challenge he has embarked.
I thank God
for this gift He has loaned us,
For this gift
has touched all of our hearts.
This gift God
so graciously shared
Is the gift
that we call "Clark".